Ten years after their collaboration on the sci-fi noir “Under the Skin,” filmmaker Jonathan Glazer and actress Scarlett Johansson have teamed up once again. This time, they’ve joined forces for a Prada advertisement promoting the brand’s Galleria bag collection. The ad features Johansson in a screen test, struggling to remember lines from Shakespeare’s plays like “Antony and Cleopatra” and “Macbeth.” As the tension builds, we see Johansson’s frustration turn into a powerful performance, captured beautifully by the cameras on set. The ad, mostly in black and white, shifts to colour as Johansson leaves the studio, still carrying a Prada bag, and hops into a taxi, returning to her real life.
Prada describes the campaign as a celebration of acting technique, highlighting the actor’s talent and the transformative nature of their craft. It’s a nod to the art of acting, showcasing Johansson’s ability to convey different emotions and meanings through repeated lines. Filmed in New York with creative direction from Ferdinando Verderi, the ad adds to Glazer’s impressive portfolio of commercial work, which includes collaborations with brands like Guinness, Sony, and Apple.
Looking ahead, Johansson has some exciting projects in the pipeline. She’s set to star in “Just Cause,” a Prime Video series based on John Katzenbach’s novel. This marks her first major television role, playing a Miami reporter investigating a closed case after receiving a letter from a death row inmate claiming innocence. Interestingly, Johansson appeared in the film adaptation of the same novel when she was just 10 years old, alongside Sean Connery. Additionally, she’ll star in and executive produce “Fly Me to the Moon,” an Apple Original movie directed by Greg Berlanti. Set against the backdrop of the 1960s space race, the film boasts an ensemble cast including Channing Tatum, Woody Harrelson, Ray Romano, and others.